I hate shoveling snow, hate hate hate it. I hate putting on my cute boots, and then immediately getting cold feet because they're only cute boots... not tough out door boots with warm insides. I hate not EVER knowing what to buy for someone, or to make. I hate it when someone buys you a present, but you don't have one for them...umm like hello i like you too.. so why don't you tell me you're getting me something that way i don't look like a DOOFUS when i say "oh dang it i left your present at home, shocks i guess you'll have to wait" (because i still need to go out the store and buy you one) Oh wow you bought me something worth $50.00 (to bad i don't have $50.00 to spare, i suppose i'll have to go out and find something that lOOKS like i paid $50.00 for it... that should be real fun) I wish i lived in Hawaii .. where roads don't need to be plowed, where i don't have to dig my car out of my drive way 3 times before i'm late for work... (yes this happened, turns out newlyweds that get married in the summer don't get shovels for gifts... so i had to dig myself out with a broom, a freaking broom- AS 3 of my neighbors across the way used their snowblowers... yea i have never spoken to you ever, but a little hand here?) . I hate when people in front, behind, beside me driving don't have any idea how to drive at all, yes it's snow, yes it sucks to drive in, but if you honestly don't think you can handle driving more then 10 miles per hour on the roads then DON'T GO OUT!
Although everything stated above is VERY true there are somethings i do love about this season, such as: Cuddling by the fire with my Bub. Listening/Singing christmas music. Being with family(although it's not my immediate family) Christmas parties.
Work Christmas Party |
Watching people fall/slip into/on snow/ice(don't judge me, you know it's hilarious) And being able to remember what Christmas is really all about, Christ being born. And my list goes on, to the blogging world I hope you have a Happy Christmas & a fantastic new year! xo