Monday, April 23, 2012

Ellen's Dance Dare, challenge accepted CAPE style!

Well if you watch Ellen, then you know about her dance dare challenge. If you don't this is what it is all about: Dancing behind people with out them noticing. 
So my friends Lauren, & Stacy decided to accept this challenge. We had SO much fun doing it, it was a lot harder then we all thought. Who knew that people in Orangeville, Ontario were so suspicious of others! In the end we found it to be easier and easier. We've sent it into Ellen, and upoloaded it to youtube. No word from Ellen yet, unfortunately- SO we're hoping that if more and more people watch it on youtube it'll become more famous to then make Ellen watch it. hahaha!
Kyle made us our capes, and filmed us- Oh how i love that man.  Anyway have a watch, share it with the world and make US FAMOUS! :) 

Much love.