Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ChrisTmAs CouNt doWn.

Well blogging world it's that time of year, and i'm so excited about it.... oh wait NO i'm not.
I hate shoveling snow, hate hate hate it. I hate putting on my cute boots, and then immediately getting cold feet because they're only cute boots... not tough out door boots with warm insides. I hate not EVER knowing what to buy for someone, or to make. I hate it when someone buys you a present, but you don't have one for them...umm like hello i like you too.. so why don't you tell me you're getting me something that way i don't look like a DOOFUS when i say "oh dang it i left your present at home, shocks i guess you'll have to wait" (because i still need to go out the store and buy you one) Oh wow you bought me something worth $50.00 (to bad i don't have $50.00 to spare, i suppose i'll have to go out and find something that lOOKS like i paid $50.00 for it... that should be real fun) I wish i lived in Hawaii .. where roads don't need to be plowed, where i don't have to dig my car out of my drive way 3 times before i'm late for work... (yes this happened, turns out newlyweds that get married in the summer don't get shovels for gifts... so i had to dig myself out with a broom, a freaking broom- AS 3 of my neighbors across the way used their snowblowers... yea i have never spoken to you ever, but a little hand here?) . I hate when people in front, behind, beside me driving don't have any idea how to drive at all, yes it's snow, yes it sucks to drive in, but if you honestly don't think you can handle driving more then 10 miles per hour on the roads then DON'T GO OUT! 
Although everything stated above is VERY true there are somethings i do love about this season, such as: Cuddling by the fire with my Bub. Listening/Singing christmas music. Being with family(although it's not my immediate family) Christmas parties. 

Work Christmas Party
Hearing strangers on the street saying Merry Christmas. Watching christmas movies, especially the muppets christmas carol. All the yummy goodies/food. Making christmas count downs.... 

Watching people fall/slip into/on snow/ice(don't judge me, you know it's hilarious) And being able to remember what Christmas is really all about, Christ being born. And my list goes on, to the blogging world I hope you have a Happy Christmas & a fantastic new year! xo

Thursday, December 2, 2010

10 Years

It's kinda hard to top all the things my sister Emily said about our dad in her blog, but i'd like to  also state in writing the things that come to mind when this day of the year comes around. Delmar Oviatt Templeman April 30th, 1951 - December 2nd, 2000. Dec 2nd, 2000 is a day i'll never forget. It's a day that's screened into my mind, that i could replay over and over; every word spoken, every person who was there.etc This is a letter i would write to him today.
Dear Dad, 
If i were to describe you in a sentence i would have to say, you were a manly man with the heart of a teddy bear. 
By touch & appearance: You had the softest eyes, the scruffiest beard, the hardest belly, a warm body, a great smile, hard working hands & big feet.  
From a distance: You would show you were a caring father, a caring man in general, hard worker, & a jokester. 
Hobbies: You were an adventures man, who loved the outdoors. Who loved squash, canoeing, & driving the ATV. 
Somethings i think of often are: 
- The way you would push the grocery cart
- The way you would dance, stirring the pot was my favourite- you would put your two fists together stir the air pot and bit your bottom lip to then make your beard flip up on his chin. It was the funniest face ever. 
- The way you would make a hard situation into something that we could all move past
- The way you taught me to appreciate the things i have, rather then focus on the things i didn't
- The way you would conduct the music, by throwing your arms in the air & moving your body all around
- The way you would let me do my "cool" dances for you
- They way we would have awesome dance parties
- The way you help me with my school projects, & tell me i'm the BEST in my class just because of that one project (i think you were a little to proud of yourself on a couple of those)
- The encouragement you gave me to go and be married in the temple
- The blessings you would give me before i started my school year
- The smell of the burnt duck on thanksgiving 
- The way you be friended everyone
- The way you would shake the salt shaker
- The one time Emily was yelling at you and called you GAY, and you said well Emily you're a LESBIAN! (priceless)
- The way i see so much of you in each of my siblings
- Your quick wit
- The way you always put family first!

You're the best father i could ever ask for. Even though i only got you for a short while, i wouldn't trade what we had in for anything! Thank you for helping me through the hard times in life, helping me to know right from wrong. Being there in my heart when i was getting married, helping me know that Kyle is my eternal companion. You'd be amazed with how much i see your characteristics in kyle, the way you both roll a sleeping bag, the way you fit all the groceries into 1 box instead of 5, the way you both work so hard inside & out, the way you both love me unconditionally. I guess you really do marry pieces of your parents, although he's nothing like mom. hahaha I love you so much dad, and i'm happy you're in a better place. I can't wait to see you again- if you're lucky maybe we can have a fun dance party again. I hope you're well, till me meet again. 
Love always 
YOUR favourite daughter Britty (we all know that's the truth)