Friday, March 4, 2011


My wall is one of a kind, and it's one of my favourite things about my house.
As most of you know my hubby KYLE is totally awesome, and as if he could get any MORE awesome then he already is... he does! Why? Well because he prints me off holiday decorations.
It all started when my cousin Celine sent Kyle a link to these trees that she wanted on her wall.
A couple weeks later he came home with a surprise... and what was it? It was my wall trees, he had redrew the trees that Celine wanted and printed them off and stuck them on our wall. I love my trees.

My snowflake wall
Then in December he came home with another surprise, my snowflakes! Oh how i LOOOOVED my snowflakes. They were amazing, and then we decided to make them a little more amazing and went to dollarama and got more snowflakes (3d ones) and stuck them on my beautiful wall. Finally winter slowly started to fade so we took them down. :(
My Heart wall
My Clover wall
BUT then ... Kyle to the rescue again, he came home with another suprise, and what was it? ... HEARTS! Hearts that had 'i love you' writen all through them. And again to make it a little more awesome... we went to dollarama and got some more 3d hearts. By now you can imagen how awesome my wall feels... BUT wait now it's just a tradition. Kyle came home with yet ANOTHER surprise... and what was is this month (March) CLOVERS. beautiful adorable clovers. I haven't made it to dollarama yet, but i know that it will soon be just as awesome as the rest of our month wall calendar. :) I love my husband and his surprises, and i LOVE my tree wall. My house IS in fact, CUTER then yours.


  1. I LOVE your tree wall! SO awesome! It's a fun little family tradition you've started!

  2. Agreed. Cutest feature of your house. Keep it there. Or don't. But keep it there. Because EVERYONE is jealous.

    Hey. For my birthday week do you think you can make a variety of vinyl stickers of my face? I dunno....just a THOUGHT.

  3. Ooohhhh... my snowflake was is still up... and feeling left out!! hahaha
