Monday, August 8, 2011

Well hello again...

St. Patty's day
St. Patty's Day with Stacey!
Kyle's Birthday Dinner @ The Keg
Well since my two followers (My sister's Tara & Emily) took a break from blogging i also did. BUT then they both decided to start blogging again, so then i was forced to start up the old entertaining wheel again. So here we go: 
 Life since February has been good, Kyle celebrated his day of birth. He was really spoiled and got a new Macbook Pro.
My dear sister Emily came to visit, it was a delight- she didn't hang out with me AT all. I love when people come to visit, and then they don't... that's my favourite. :) hahaha just teasing Emily. 
Kyle's Birthday Present

She did in fact try to hang out with me, just turns out that she's a pretty popular person in the land of CAN-A-DA. 

NEXT came along this woman named Stephanie, she entered my friend John's life and BAM they were engaged. and then BAM we had plans to travel to california for their WEDDING! woohoo. 

Oh also our friends Vick & Mary got married, it was so a lovely wedding in April! 

this is my APRIL WALL - oh how adorable it was. 


  1. Umm.. seriously. I spent every waking moment with you when you weren't at work... Booooo to you. Also, I am coming this weekend... HELLO - Don't tell me there isn't LOVE in that I am coming to see you BEFORE I move to FRANCE!? And you better keep blogging... just because you did a catch up post... you still need to post your May, June, July and August walls... not to mention I'm moving a million miles away and you have to keep blogging so I know what you're doing with your life. Just sayin'
    Emily (your fav)
